Game Design- Week 13- Project Update


I am working on a project called Wowozela. For context, a Wowozela is an addon on the popular game known as Garry’s Mod. For even more context, Garry’s Mod is a sandbox game with a ton of community made downloadable content. The Wowozela is an addon that is basically a weapon that makes a ton of noise upon pitching your camera up and down. It has a big selection of noises to choose from. The higher your camera is (looking up at the sky) then the higher pitch the noise is. The lower your camera is (looking down at the ground) the lower the pitch is.

I have been wanting to work on this for a while now, I made a little prototype in Construct 3. In Construct 3, I managed to make a weapon that would make one of the noises that the Wowozela would make. Construct 3 is a 2D game engine, I want to make my Wowozela in a 3D game engine such as Unity. This is because I think if I do it in a first-person 3D environment, it would be easier to use and overall would be a better experience. You can make music and stuff with the Wowozela messing with random pitches and sounds, there are videos around of people making music and started bands with the Wowozela.


I started brainstorming ideas of what I should start with for a project. The Wowozela came to mind because I was messing with it earlier the same day on Garry’s Mod. I wanted to give it a shot at making it on Construct 3 using basic images off of Google Images just for the prototype test. I knew that I wanted to take it a step further and I thought it being a 2D Wowozela wasn’t going to be as fun or cool. So I decided to do it in 3D, not sure on whether I would like to do it in Unity or Unreal Engine 4. I will attempt at making a model for it and a testing map to hop around in.

Here is a video I found of someone playing music with the Wowozela

Here is a video of my prototype on Construct 3

Game Design – Week 11 – Updating Workflow – Mind Like Water

“‘Be shapeless and formless.. like water’ (Bruce Lee)” by is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

“Have a mind like water.”

― David Allen,  GTD


This week, I wrote everything that I needed to get done down in my GTD system. I was introduced to “Construct 3,” a game development platform online. I messed with it and created a fun little WIP product.


Unity – C#

I completed the course.


Screenshot from

Advanced students can extend Construct 3 by writing their own plugins and/or behaviors within JavaScript. There is flexible licensing, it is easy to add and remove seats from your plan.


Screenshot from


Image from

During my walk today, I thought about what I need to get done today. I want to work on my presentation for Biology, do some Geometry homework as well as study for an upcoming test in the same class on Thursday, and work a little on my English project. I aim to get that all done before midnight tonight. I put all of this in my GTD system.


Screenshot from Construct Beginner’s Guide

I started working on something for fun, a toy gun that shoots sparkles but the twist is that it plays a audio and the higher your mouse is, the higher pitch the sound gets. The lower your mouse is, the lower the pitch gets. I’m just experimenting and this is not complete.


I learned some of the basics of Construct 3. I am currently working on resolving some of the errors within my project.

Game Design – Week 10 – GTD – Getting Things Done – Part 2

Image from

Teens are overwhelmed, partly because they don’t yet have the skills to manage the unprecedented amount of stuff that enters their brains each day.  – from

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”

“You can do anything, but not everything.”

― David Allen, (GTD) Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World


This week, I found my trusted system for getting work done in school.


Unity – C#

Completed Unity C# on SoloLearn.


Screenshot from Animated Book Summary And Review at YouTube

Getting things done can be tough for some people. Some people are big procrastinators and don’t get things done on time, or efficiently. Working from home during the pandemic makes it worse because we have all of these things in our home that can distract us from working efficiently. Using things such as a reminder app, Trello, etc. can help you get things done on time.


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot from Animated Book Summary And Review at YouTube

Examine Two GTD Maps: Basic and Detailed

  1. Detailed map by guccio@文房具社 icensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
  2. Basic map from embedded below

GTD-based Trusted System

Image from

I used the reminder app on my iPhone as my trusted system. It helps get work done efficiently.



Things that I need to work on were added to my trusted system.


I learned that using a trusted system helps you get work done a lot more efficiently, and helps get it done on time. A problem I solved was figuring out how to use the reminder app the correct way so it can remind me to do something at a certain time.

Week 9 – GTD – Getting Things Done – Part 1

“Day 092/366 – To Do List” by Great Beyond is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Your toughest work is defining what your work is! –  Peter Drucker


This week, I learned how to stay organized. I also learned about how I can/should set reminders so I can get work turned in on time.


Image of David Allen at TED Talk
Screenshot from David Allen TED Talk


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
  • Geometry

Notebook work

  • World History

Do the schoology assignment (whatever it’s called)

  • Game Design

Do this blog post

  • Biology

Work on the keystone species project

  • English

Work on reading my independent reading book, as well as the class book.


Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
Screenshot of David Allen TED Talk
  • Biology

Keystone Species Project

  • Geometry

Notebook Pages

  • World History

Schoology Assignment

  • Game Design

Blog Post

  • English

Reading independent book and class book



David Allen image
Oct. 2020 Lucidchart interview with David Allen
Image from FastCompany Magazine,
Image from FastCompany Magazine,
  • Reflect on GTD and getting to the top of the colorful list above for a minute
    • How can the GTD process help you tame the crazy-busy dragon of modern life?

  • Then, go for a 15-minute walk, if it is safe to do so
  • Write a few sentence reflection

I am better at organizing what is important to do and least important to do. I have set reminders for all of those things that tells me to do them so they are not turned in late.


  • Give feedback on this week’s class Content and Process

Game Design – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at




These tutorials are scripting tutorials for the programming language C# within the Unity game engine. These videos were uploaded by the official Unity YouTube channel. The channel has been verified by YouTube.


Minimum viable product is the smallest thing you can think of, that will still give you useful data. To find minimum viable product, you can find the absolute minimum set of features, that will not affect core development. It is important that the core of the game works first, before you add more features.

Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

    1. Racing Game
    2. Top-Down Shooter
    3. 2d Platformer
    4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
    5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
    6. 3D Platformer
    7. FPS
    8. JRPG
    9. Fighting Game
    10. Action Adventure
    11. Western RPG
    12. RTS


Game designers should experience games as a designer to help give them ideas, and to know the feeling. Try doing activities such as riding a roller coaster, or literally anything. Try to find the point where you feel happy in whatever you are doing. That can help give you ideas. Look through other games and see what neat little production tricks you find within them, to help performance, etc.


My nemesis is school. Why is school my nemesis? Because of assignments, geometry, I’m talking to you. Geometry assignments are always getting in my way and take away part of my day after school which is irritating. Math homework will always be my nemesis.


Idea 1: 2D Action Game

Story: You are a cube who must get through obstacles and reach the end.

Idea 2: 2D/3D Action Game

Story: Similar to Among Us, but only tasks. You do a lot of tasks to complete the game.

Idea 3: 3D Action Game

Story: You play with other players and there are minigames, once you die in a minigame, you’re eliminated. Last to survive, wins.\

Idea 4: 3D Fighting Game

Story: You have to work in a map of some sort to kill zombies in order to survive. If the zombies take all of your health, you die. Some zombies can drop health regens, and weapon upgrades.

Idea 5: 3D Platformer

Story: Do some parkour across some levels in order to complete the level. Some levels can be long and challenging.

Developing Quality Workflow

Developing Quality Workflow

What is Workflow?

Image Creative Workflow from,

Work•flow /ˈwərkflō/

“The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” –

Workflow is the way and sequence of how we work that is nice and organized so nothing ever gets loose and things start getting out of place or you get stuck behind. Developing a good workflow requires some experimenting to see what goes right and what goes wrong.

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

  • WHAT TOOLS SHOULD WE USE? Your brain, peers, Trello
  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Brainstorm ideas with your peers, if you or anyone else has an idea, immediately put it on Trello so you don’t lose the idea.
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? If there is a bad idea, then archive it, do not delete it because it may come back to you and may fit in with the project. If it is an idea that isn’t too important then throw it into the backlog. If there is a good idea then keep it in what should be worked on.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You and your peers.


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

  • WHAT TOOLS SHOULD WE USE? Your ideas, Trello, peers
  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Make a goal such as “I want so and so to be in our game, it must make it into the final product” or something like that. Try to set your goal, make a Trello list dedicated to your goals. Put the features you want to  be in the final product in there, or put any other goals in, such as “I want the game to have a minimal amount of bugs”. That is your goal.
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? Check the Trello board with your peers to see if any of your goals don’t seem right. If there is anything left out, add it! If there is something that isn’t super important then you can move it to the backlog.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You and your peers.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

  • WHAT TOOLS SHOULD WE USE? Storyboard, Trello, role/task sheet
  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Once you have your ideas in the Trello, you should copy and paste them onto the storyboard to get a base view on what the game will look like visually, and how it will play. Divide up all the work into different roles, such as sound design, level design, character design, programmer, etc. Now, come up with your pitch. Make sure it is an appealing pitch that isn’t too long, or too short.
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? Once you feel that your storyboard is looking nice, check up on the role division sheet to make sure everyone in their appropriate role knows what they’re doing. Make sure you have a good pitch ready and be prepared to present your pitch.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You, your peers, advisory members.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

  • WHAT TOOLS SHOULD WE USE? Trello, role division sheet, Unity, GarageBand, Audacity, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Look at the Trello, start working on the important stuff that is your absolute goal to finish, make sure everyone in their appropriate roles knows what they’re doing and is working on their part.
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? Check up on those important features, fix any potential bugs, fix them, then start working on some backlog features with the time you have left.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You and your peers.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Once your game is in a playable state close to presentation, then do a build. Make sure to ALWAYS test your build. There is a good chance that there will be bugs in your build that aren’t present in the editor. Fix those bugs and make more builds until there is a minimal amount of bugs in the game.
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? Make sure that in your final build, there are little to no bugs, especially major bugs. Think about what you got done during the production phase.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You and your peers


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

  • WHAT TOOLS SHOULD WE USE? Google Slides, notecards, Trello
  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Make your presentation, make sure you include screenshots of not only your game, but the process of making it. Such as screenshots of art being worked on, EQ in sound design, pictures of your code, make sure the code has comments in them!
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? Check to see if there are any missing slides, if anything is missing then add them. Go ahead and practice present with your partners once that is done, once you have practiced enough and have your notecards, you are ready to present in front of the advisory members.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You, your peers, advisory members


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

  • WHAT PROCESS SHOULD WE USE? Review others presentations and maybe write about theirs. Write out a blog post about your game reflecting on what went right and what went wrong. Write about pre-production, production, post-production, etc. Include screenshots of the game and what you worked on.
  • HOW DO YOU MEASURE QUALITY? Once you met all requirements for the blog post such as screenshots, videos, etc. then publish it.
  • WHO MEASURES QUALITY? You, the teacher

Recipe For Success: Steve Jobs

Recipe For Success: Steve Jobs

Image of Steve Jobs from Wikipedia,

Born: February 24th, 1995, in San Francisco, California

Who is one of your mentors?

Success is when you have done something truly inspiring. Success is when you create something, whether it be music, evolving technology, or anything else that can truly make a change. Steve Jobs had success because of his outstanding work around technology. He invented the Macintosh. The Macintosh changed technology for the good. A lot of people use computers for stuff like this. Without apple, Microsoft may not even have been a thing. Another great innovation was iPhone. iPhone changed the way we communicated. We no longer use flip phones or phones with plastic buttons. Like a blackberry for example. iPhone has digital typing, and not only can you communicate on it via SMS or calling, but you can listen to music, take photos, set alarms, use calendars, download apps such as games, and etc.

Personal Success Definition

Success is someone who has created something truly inspiring and evolving.

Steve Jobs has created Apple. Apple is one of the most successful businesses in the world. Bringing computers, iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, etc.

Skills for Success

Steve Jobs is a 1) computer programmer, 2) smart businessman and 3) risk taker. Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak’s apple I computer. They both gained attention a year later with the Apple II. Jobs attended Reed College in 1972, but dropped out that same year.

How They Used These Skills

Picture of Apple I:

Wozniak had made the Apple I. Steve Jobs then joined him and co-founded Apple. A year later they both created the Apple II and achieved fame from that. “Jobs saw the commercial potential of the Xerox Alto in 1979, which was mouse-driven and had a graphical user interface (GUI).” Which then led to development to a couple of different computers, including the very successful Macintosh.

Challenges Overcome

Steve Jobs had forced out of the company in 1985 after a long struggle with the companies board. In 1997, Jobs became CEO of Apple to help revive it. He was very responsible for the revival. Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, but Steve Jobs had revived Apple. Jobs had health problems in the early 2000s, he was diagnosed with cancer. Although he had many health problems, that didn’t stop him from working. And he would work on many new products such as the iPhone, up until his death in 2011.

Significant Work

Steve Jobs announcing iPhone in 2007.


Leadership: Tutorial Video

I made a tutorial video on how to create a new unity project, some basics, and how to change a scene in 2D. I showed how to create a project via Unity Hub. Some of the basics shown were what each of the windows in Unity did, as well as how to organize your explorer by creating folders. I showed how to create a button that will take you to another scene, allowing you to make levels in your game.

The experience was wonderful. I had to redo parts of the video many times due to me having nasty voice cracks, messing up on something, not knowing what to say, and etc. I learnt how to actually read scripts properly, how to use OBS (recording software that I commonly use for live streaming). It is a pretty cool software, since windows doesn’t come with a screen-cast unlike Mac, I’d recommend OBS since it is free, and you can customize it from quality to performance.

Recommendation – Charles B.

It isn’t common that you’d come across a team member like Charles. Charles has filled many roles such as being a lead coder, artist, and sound designer ever since September. Charles’ ability to manage a team is outstanding, he has a plan for what everyone should do every day. While I was with Charles, I had gotten more work done than I probably ever have due to his team management. Anybody with Charles on their team is considered lucky.

Session 8 Production Project


Role: UI & Menu

Intention (SMART Goal)

My intention is to create our games user interface. This include the games menu, game over and/or win screens, loading screens, credits screen, and even the UI included within the gameplay. This can include an inventory, a shop UI, and any other menus. I will be doing this for the next three weeks or so for our game, followed by doing a build of the game, then starting the cycle over for the next few months.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Macklin Guy is a User Interface designer for PixelTail Games and has made a lot of the user interface for the game “Tower Unite”, a game made by PixelTail Games. He’s made the menus, inventory UI, pause menu, etc.

Training Source(s)

0:42 Create Background Image

1:11 Insert Buttons

1:37 Change Button Properties

2:46 Group The Buttons

3:37 Add Levels To Build

3:53 Change Scene On Click

Project Timeline

  1. Come up with an idea for the game.
  2. Once you came up with a good idea, come up with ideas for what the gameplay will be like.
  3. Now, if you want an inventory or something, come up with ideas for a good design for them.
  4. Design the UI.
  5. Program the UI to do a certain action.
  6. Finishing touches.
  7. Design the main menu.
  8. Program all the buttons.
  9. Design the credits menu.
  10. Program all the buttons.
  11. Add a win/loss state screen.
  12. Program it so it does whatever it needs to do.
  13. Design a pause menu.
  14. Program it with buttons to quit, settings, main menu, resume, etc.
  15. Test everything.
  16. Build.
  17. Test the build.
  18. Fix bugs that were present on the build.
  19. Do another build.
  20. Test that build and keep fixing the bugs until they’re all fixed.

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

Grammar and Spelling
