Session 7 Production Project


Role: UI & Menu

Intention (SMART Goal)

My intention is to create our games user interface. This include the games menu, game over and/or win screens, loading screens, credits screen, and even the UI included within the gameplay. This can include an inventory, a shop UI, and any other menus. I will be doing this for the next three weeks or so for our game, followed by doing a build of the game, then starting the cycle over for the next few months.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Macklin Guy is a User Interface designer for PixelTail Games and has made a lot of the user interface for the game “Tower Unite”, a game made by PixelTail Games. He’s made the menus, inventory UI, pause menu, etc.

Training Source(s)

0:42 Create Background Image

1:11 Insert Buttons

1:37 Change Button Properties

2:46 Group The Buttons

3:37 Add Levels To Build

3:53 Change Scene On Click

Project Timeline

  1. Come up with an idea for the game.
  2. Once you came up with a good idea, come up with ideas for what the gameplay will be like.
  3. Now, if you want an inventory or something, come up with ideas for a good design for them.
  4. Design the UI.
  5. Program the UI to do a certain action.
  6. Finishing touches.
  7. Design the main menu.
  8. Program all the buttons.
  9. Design the credits menu.
  10. Program all the buttons.
  11. Add a win/loss state screen.
  12. Program it so it does whatever it needs to do.
  13. Design a pause menu.
  14. Program it with buttons to quit, settings, main menu, resume, etc.
  15. Test everything.
  16. Build.
  17. Test the build.
  18. Fix bugs that were present on the build.
  19. Do another build.
  20. Test that build and keep fixing the bugs until they’re all fixed.

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

Grammar and Spelling


SMART Goal for April 2020

  • Role – Code/UI Design
  • Goal – My goal for this month is to continue working on getting more experience with the C# programming language, and Unity in general.
  • Why – This will further improve my skills with Unity and coding for our games. The more you do it, the better it is.
  • How – I can find tutorials on YouTube and learn from them. Then from there I can keep practicing my skills.
  • When – Any free time I have is when I’ll be doing it.
  • Resources – YouTube, Google, misc websites with tutorials.
  • Milestones – If I get the code working, that would be amazing. If I can get it to work in a build, then that’s even better. It’s always guaranteed for me to have bugs in the builds.
  • Heroines / Heroes – Some UI work that I find amazing is in the game “Tower Unite”. A fun social party game with loads of games and activities. Each game/activity have some real amazing UI work that they took the time and effort to make.
  • Documentation – What I have done was I finished the stretch goal blog post. I worked on installing Unity onto my computer, which took way longer than it should’ve, it kept on not downloading and not working. But eventually, after a few hours of waiting and messing around with it, I somehow got it to work. I have also worked on looking at more Unity UI and code tutorials on YouTube.

Session 6 Production Project


Role: UI & Menu

Intention (SMART Goal)

My intention is to create our games user interface. This include the games menu, game over and/or win screens, loading screens, credits screen, and even the UI included within the gameplay. This can include an inventory, a shop UI, and any other menus. I will be doing this for the next three weeks or so for our game, followed by doing a build of the game, then starting the cycle over for the next few months.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Macklin Guy is a User Interface designer for PixelTail Games and has made a lot of the user interface for the game “Tower Unite”, a game made by PixelTail Games. He’s made the menus, inventory UI, pause menu, etc.

Training Source(s)

0:42 Create Background Image

1:11 Insert Buttons

1:37 Change Button Properties

2:46 Group The Buttons

3:37 Add Levels To Build

3:53 Change Scene On Click

Project Timeline

  1. Come up with an idea for the game.
  2. Once you came up with a good idea, come up with ideas for what the gameplay will be like.
  3. Now, if you want an inventory or something, come up with ideas for a good design for them.
  4. Design the UI.
  5. Program the UI to do a certain action.
  6. Finishing touches.
  7. Design the main menu.
  8. Program all the buttons.
  9. Design the credits menu.
  10. Program all the buttons.
  11. Add a win/loss state screen.
  12. Program it so it does whatever it needs to do.
  13. Design a pause menu.
  14. Program it with buttons to quit, settings, main menu, resume, etc.
  15. Test everything.
  16. Build.
  17. Test the build.
  18. Fix bugs that were present on the build.
  19. Do another build.
  20. Test that build and keep fixing the bugs until they’re all fixed.

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

Grammar and Spelling


Session 5 Production Project



I am the teams Sound Designer.

Intention (SMART Goal)

Within the next three weeks, I hope to make all of our games sound scapes, sound FX, and music. I want the music to not be good, but for it to not be bad, but I would take having it be good too. I would like to learn a lot more about how GarageBand works in terms of making music. I would also like to learn more about how Audacity works for making sound scapes and sound FX. I would also like to learn how to import sounds into Unity, and make them play within the engine. Being sound designer will over help me improve upon creating music and all sorts of different sound FX.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Jun Ishikawa is a sound designer for Nintendo. He has worked with Nintendo since 1990, and still works with them today. He has composed music and other sound FX for games like Kirby, Smash Bros Brawl, and a ton more games from Nintendo.

Training Source(s)

0:46: Start a new project in GarageBand.

Opens a menu with different templates for creating music, or an empty template.

2:59: Different drummer tones/genres.

3:26: Variety of different sound loops that you can use to create music.

4:45: Different sorts of track types.

5:26: Download some of the sounds that aren’t already installed on the program.

6:17: Using a USB keyboard in GarageBand (or a normal keyboard).

Project Timeline


  1. Research GarageBand.
  2. Start a new GarageBand project for music.
  3. Create music either using USB keyboard, or templates.
  4. Export as WAV.
  5. Research about adding sound to Unity.
  6. Open Unity project.
  7. Import music
  8. Make the music play on a loop during a certain scene.

Sound FX

  1. Research Audacity.
  2. Open Audacity in a fresh template.
  3. Record, or import previously recorded sounds. (i.e. voice lines, sounds such as doors, etc.)
  4. Add different effects to the sounds. (i.e. pitch, reverb, bass, etc.)
  5. Export as WAV or MP3.
  6. Research about adding sound to Unity.
  7. Import into Unity.
  8. Make the sound play when you interact with an object, or ambient sounds, etc.

Proposed Budget


Mechanics Demo

Skills Commentary

I showed evidence for my EQ and why audio is needed for games.


21st Century Skills


I showed creativity because I spent time on my music, making them sound good by using the right instruments and changing the EQ to make it sound good.


Our communication was really good, all of our group mates got along with each other and did as told. Everything we were told to do got done by every person within our group. Only problem is one individual never finished their blog post from the beginning of the session, so he didn’t do much in the group. So he showed no evidence for what he did.


I was responsible in getting all of my sounds done, I made the sounds that the coders wanted, such as background music for the game, as well as the sound effect from the button press.

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Whenever a sound didn’t sound right, I always fixed it using a different instrument, pitch, and most importantly, EQ.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

We communicated to each other on what we wanted done in terms of art and sound.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

I used GarageBand to make the sounds and music, and Audacity to add in certain sound effects such as pitch, reverb, etc.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

I learnt most from the presentation, which is to not look at the screen so often, use notes, not go “uhh” and “umm”, and to show more evidence for what I have worked on.

Reactions to the Final Version

Steve Mazepa: “Evidence of EQ.  Would love to hear your music & sound”

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Although my sounds and music didn’t make it into the final build, I think I did a pretty good job on my sound FX and music. I learned a ton more on how to use Audacity, and GarageBand.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

  • Learned how to use GarageBand and Audacity a lot more.
  • I learned how to create music.

Grammar and Spelling




Recommendation – Trever

It is not often that you find a young teenager who is as talented as Trever when it comes to game design. Trever is a student of a game design class at Capital High School. Trever takes on multiple roles in game design, such as art, sound design, and all the coding for that, which is outstandingly impressive for a young teen. With his pitch, he always leaves everyone excited about his work. Any game company would be lucky to have Trever as an employee.

Session 4 Production Project


CC Image “maze” by xervian


My goal as a coder was to make some of the code for the game, the other coder would do the other stuff. I created a timer that counts down and once it hits zero, it takes you to a game over screen. I also made some of the main menu, as well as the credits menus with Charles’ help.

21st Century Skills


I showed creativity because I had created a lot of really nice menus and gameplay features such as the timer for the game.


Our teams communication was pretty good. My partners told me what pieces of code to work on. I had also communicated with the other coder, the artist, and a little with the sound designer.


I showed responsibility because I finished all my code on time. I had worked on the menus and the timer, and I got all my work done. We would also build and save our code every day.

The Recondite Ruby

Reaction to the Final Version

Sam George: “Good UI I was very impressed!”

Evaluation of Final Version

  • The game was supposed to be a fun maze game as to where you would complete a randomly generated maze.
  • The character you play as is Sam. Sam is an Arch-druid in the game, and he needs to find his way to the center of a cave to find the prized amulet.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned a lot about C#.

I learned a lot about UI and menu creation.

I learned a lot about using the Unity engine.

Session 3 Production Project


CC Image “maze” by xervian

My goal as coder was to make most of the code for the game, the other coder would do the other stuff. I created a maze generator that randomly generates the maze.

21st Century Skills


I showed creativity because I had created a randomly generated maze that fully functions.


Our teams communication was pretty good. My partners told me what pieces of code to work on. I had also communicated with the other coder quite a lot.


I showed responsibility because I finished all my code on time. We had problems with things breaking, I pushed right through it and got the code all working. We would also build and save our code everyday.

Sams Fantasy Maze Game

Screen Shot 2020-01-15 at 11.57.40 AM

Reaction to the Final Version

Sam George: “Good commenting but no evidence of logging.”

Evaluation of Final Version

  • The game was supposed to be a fun maze game as to where you would complete a randomly generated maze.
  • The character you play as is Sam. Sam gets stuck in a maze, and he needs to find his way out.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned a lot about C#.

Communicate with your team.

I learned a lot about using the Unity engine.

Session 2 Production Project

We're All Just Pieces in a Puzzle
CC Image “We’re All Just Pieces in a Puzzle” by mikecogh

My goal as the graphics artist was to make all of the art in the game. This means the backgrounds, cards, etc. I made arrows for swiping left and right on the game, I had also made a heart and a broken heart for when you push the buttons.

21st Century Skills


I showed creativity because I pitched in ideas for different styles of graphics for the game.


Our teams communication was pretty good. My partners told me what to do and what graphics to make for the game. I pitched in different ideas for how to use some of the art to the coder of the game.


I showed responsibility because I finished most of the art on time. Unfortunately, our team lost our code with only a few days left, so we had to use the first build of the game for the presentation. Which is why we need to backup the code more often than we did.

Charles Fantasy Dating Simulator

Reaction to the Final Version

Brian Favorite: “Broken Heart. Dating Simulator. Excellent text/font and sprite choices.”

Evaluation of Final Version

  • The game was supposed to be a simple dating app simulator
  • It was not just a dating app. It was a fantasy dating app.
  • The main character is Charles. Which is why the game has his name in the games name. Charles finds a phone. On the phone is a fantasy dating app

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

It is always nice to backup the games code.

I learned more about Photoshop than the knowledge I had before.

Export images as PNG for transparency and not JPEG. (I already knew that, but I forgot)

Listen Smart

CC Headphones by Jordan Pipkin
  • Listen Smart
    • If you go to a lot of concerts you have the risk of losing your hearing.
    • You could have a hearing hangover after a concert. You would hear ringing, and then you wouldn’t feel well later.
    • Always wait a while before going to another concert, you need to give your ears some rest.
    • Wear ear plugs if you can, it will decrease the chance of hearing loss.
    • There is no cure.


Chart of Sound in the Environment